Oeko-Institut Consult GmbH
Borkumstraße 2
D-13189 Berlin
Phone +49 030 405085-100
Oeko-Institut Consult GmbH is a wholly owned subsidiary of Oeko-Institut e.V.
Authorised representative
Mr Christof Timpe (CEO)
Commercial register
Register court: Berlin Local Court (Charlottenburg)
Register number: HRB 270258 B
Tax information
UID number: DE 452 430 798
Responsible for editorial content according to § 18 para 2 of the German State Media Treaty and German press law
Christof Timpe (see above for contact details)
Limitation of liability
The contents of this website were compiled with the greatest care possible. The provider assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the information provided on this website. Use of the website’s contents is at the user’s own risk. Contributions identified by name are the opinion of the respective author(s) and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the provider. Mere use of the provider’s website does not give rise to any contractual relationship whatsoever between the user and the provider.
External links
This website contains links to third-party websites (“external links”). The respective providers are responsible for these websites. The provider tested the third party contents of the external links for legal violations when setting up the external link for the first time. No legal violations could be found at that time. The provider has no influence whatsoever over the current and future design or the contents of the linked pages. The setting-up of external links and advertisements does not mean that the provider adopts the contents of the reference or link as its own. Constant monitoring of these external links by the provider without specific indications of legal violations is not feasible. Such external links and advertisements will be immediately deleted in the event of known legal violations.
Copyright and performance protection rights
Unless otherwise stated, the rights to all contents used on this website are owned by Oeko-Institut Consult GmbH.
Where expressly stated, images, graphics, audio and video material of Oeko-Institut Consult GmbH are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Germany licence. This means that you may reproduce, distribute and make publicly available the work or contents, make modifications and adaptations of the work or contents and use the respective work commercially, provided that you explicitly and legibly mention the name of Oeko-Institut Consult GmbH as follows. Some examples: ‘Image: Oeko-Institut Consult GmbH, CC-BY 3.0,’ ‘Video: Oeko-Institut Consult GmbH, CC-BY 3.0.’
Images, graphics, audio and video files of Oeko-Institut Consult GmbH that do not refer to CC-BY 3.0 and only refer to Oeko-Institut Consult GmbH as the source (some examples: ‘Image: Oeko-Institut Consult GmbH,’ ‘Graphic: Oeko-Institut Consult GmbH’) are not CC-licensed. These images may be used as follows if Oeko-Institut Consult GmbH is credited: use in the press and other media, other non-commercial purposes (educational; personal information). Commercial use must be requested in advance from Oeko-Institut Consult GmbH.
The Creative Commons licence does not extend to the Oeko-Institut Consult GmbH logo and its components. Use of the logo requires the prior written permission of the Executive Board of Oeko-Institut Consult GmbH.
The presentation of this website in external frames is only permitted with written permission.
The provider expressly refers to the fact that data transfer on the Internet (e.g. communication by email) may contain gaps in security and cannot be completely protected against access by third parties.
The utilisation of the contact data contained in the imprint for commercial advertising is expressly unwanted, unless the provider has given prior written permission to do so or in the event that a business relationship already exists. The provider and all persons mentioned on this website object to any commercial use and forwarding of their data.
Source: - Rechtportal und